Message from: Martin O'Malley/Anthony Brown
Friend — Imagine having to look your children in the eyes and tell them you'll have to leave your home, maybe your whole community, for good. Over the course of the national foreclosure crisis, thousands of Marylanders haven't had to imagine this ordeal. They've lived it. And every uprooted family, every boarded-up house, affects all of us — our neighborhoods, our towns and cities, our state.
We can help more families stay in their homes — by forcing mortgage companies to give homeowners facing foreclosure a chance to negotiate better
terms on their loans. Yesterday, Rep. Elijah Cummings and I urged the General Assembly to pass an emergency bill to do just that. Join us in taking action today. Urge your state legislators to support the bill, and help protect our families and communities from foreclosures:
Since 2007, we've helped thousands of families hold on to their homes through programs like the Homeowners Preserving Equity (HOPE) initiative. But thousands more could be saved if we act together to stop huge, faceless mortgage companies from crushing homeowners under their heel because they're more concerned with profits than with helping families stay in their homes. Writing your legislators will only take a few minutes, and your support of this emergency bill could have an immediate impact. The emergency bill just needs three-fifths of the votes in the General Assembly to pass and be enacted immediately.
Help make today the beginning of the end of the foreclosure crisis in Maryland. Write your state legislators now:
Thank you,
Gov. Martin O'Malley