Happy Thanksgiving!
The real estate market in our area has slowed a bit. This is not at all unusual for this time of year and often portends a really robust spring market. As a reminder, the "spring" in this sense means anything from late January to very early April. As surprising as this seems, we are often actually slowing back down again by May 1. So don't wait for the Azaleas! If you are thinking about a move in 2015, call us this fall/winter to get a strategy in place for after the first of the year.
To help make getting ready for any move easier, we've got some great resources to share with you.
Fernando Principe,
Royal Painting and Light Construction. Fernando and his team can handle everything necessary to get your home in tip top shape - whether for yourselves or to assure top dollar in a sale. 301 379 1638 or
Alexandra Fry, Orchestrated Moves. Alexandra and her team are ready to help with every move but really excel in specialized situations: very large homes, seniors downsizing into new living opportunities, disabled / special needs folks, divorce and other complicated multi-house moves, and estates. 301 801 5044, orchestratedmoves@yahoo.com
Giancarlo Dall'Orso, B B & D Moving GianCarlo has been part of our team for some time now but it always bears repeating that good movers can help before the sale with getting the house ready for the market by helping with the decluttering process - by moving extra items to other family members and/or second homes, and by arranging short term storage for the extra bits while we show the house. 571 233 7009, giancarlo@bbdmoving.com
Frank Coyne, Junk In The Trunk. Hands down, the best hauling company out there. For a very reasonable cost they will sort for donation, safely recycle electronics and generally make your unwanted "stuff" disappear. What's not to love? On top of that, as their website says, they smell better!877-548-8669 service@jitt.com
Nick Sage, SmartBox. Ahhh, the Pods. The harbingers of the spring market, they sprout like daffodils in driveways and on curbs, ready to temporarily hold your extras while we get the house sold. Nick / SmartBox are the best in the business and our clients even get a discount! 4102806013 nick.sage@smartboxusa.com
Barbara, Tom, Marc and Susan
Nalls Home Partners