Bethesda’s Brookmont neighborhood is a ‘Kayaker’s Camelot’

(Amy ReininkAmy Reinink / THE WASHINGTON POST ) - Brookmont, shown here on Monday, Feb. 6, is defined in part by its eclectic housing stock.
When Chris and Elliot Weintrob met in the late 1980s, they were living in a group house in Bethesda’s Brookmont neighborhood, where Elliot, then a competitive kayaker, was training for the 1992 Olympics.
The neighborhood, little more than an extended cul-de-sac off MacArthur Boulevard, has two walking paths to the C&O Canal, and sits minutes away from a world-class whitewater slalom course, which made it a draw for dozens of young kayakers and their coaches in the 1970s and 1980s.

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