Monday, January 18, 2010


Okay, we admit it. Realtors are always saying it’s a great time to buy and sell when maybe, sometimes; it is only a pretty good time or not such a bad time… We are the Salespeople that Cried Wolf.

But right now the market in our area is very, very strong and it really and truly is a great time to sell a home. The reason for it: the First-time Homebuyer Federal Tax Credit is set to expire at the end of November and everyone and their mother is out trying to get something under contract in time for a November settlement. Of course, not everyone qualifies and it tends to stimulate homes under $400,000 which only makes up a portion of our areas home sales. But when a $200,000 condo sells, the owners move up to a $500,000 town house and those owners move up to an $800,000 single family home, etc. You get the idea. Stimulus.

So, two things you should know.

First, if you are even THINKING about selling your home, call us right away. Remember that a 45 day window for loan approval means that buyers are frantically trying to get themselves under contract before October 15th. The first time and move up buyers are out NOW – and bidding on everything they see. Our open houses are packed and we are getting multiple offers on many, many properties again. After October this is likely to slow way down.

Finally, we really believe that the credit has been a major boom to the real estate market in our area and hope it is extended. If you agree – and we encourage you to look into the pros and cons to make up your own mind – you might consider an email or phone call to your elected representative letting them know that you support an extension.

Oh! And to everyone that is happy with their place and has no intention of selling their home – we’re glad! We probably sold it to you and that’s what we like to hear…:-)

All the best -
Barbara and Tom

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